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Introduction to StageDoor43
Theater Company

StageDoor Theater Company was organized by a group of professional actors and actresses who shared an interest in theater and wanted "to give rural communities" something back, in the way of real entertainment and appreciation of real play production, and to develop the talent which abounds in their communities.


Governed by a volunteer board of directors, the organization continues to draw from an extraordinary pool of local talent to create its annual seasons. The theater company is geared to uplift the theatrical talents in local communities, including directing, producing, acting, writing, etc.  We embody the essence of creativity, and we aim also to create a safe atmosphere where actors and actresses make their own creative mark, regardless of age, through participation in workshops, stage productions, cabaret or drama vehicles.​

Become a Partner School

We also have a program to bring theater directly into school auditoriums throughout Kansas. When your school partners with StageDoor43 Theater Company, you do not just get to see exciting shows--our teaching artists will assist your faculty integrate the performing arts into your classroom, promoting student engagement and skill development across the curriculum.


If you are a teacher or principal interested in inviting StageDoor43 Theater Company artists into your school, or would just like more information about our educational programming, click below to contact us!



Adult Education

Our adult workshops are rooted in the desire to deepen our engagement with the community, and to deepen the community's experience of our performances. In our adult workshops, StageDoor43 Theater Company's professional theater artists and fellow life-long learners engage community members in compelling explorations of various theater experiences.  With a variety of ways to engage in the workshops, participants from all backgrounds and experience levels are stimulated by the amazing hidden gems found in many overlooked stage plays and musicals, and the powerful effect speaking and acting these words have on a person and a community.

Professional Development

StageDoor43 Theater Company conducts workshops that serve as a resource for working actors in the theatre industry, whether in voice, movement, fight choreography, or audition preparations. StageDoor43 offers opportunities for continuing education in our craft.

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Basic Skills

Give students a taste of the work of a professional actor with one of our in-class workshops! Our teaching artists will lead students through a variety of exercises focusing on improvisation, self-expression, and working collaboratively.

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